Thursday, December 15, 2022

Week 14 - Blog Post #5 Presentations

On Dec. 20, you will present Blog Post #5. Have you made all corrections?

This is your blog, so you can present without reading. Practice in advance, know how to pronounce all words, and speak with feeling. This is your final presentation, so make it your best!

Today ...

1. Present Blog Post #5
2. Make any needed changes to your blogs.

There will be one more class; Jan. 10 (final class)

BTW, did you do the course survey? And did you choose your Graduation Seminar for next year? They are both on Manaba.

Did everyone post an audio clip on a blog post? And a comic?

Santa's Lonely Wife
Santa's wife was angry. Every year, her husband took presents to all the people of the world, and every year she had to stay home alone. As always, she had to stay at home alone this year too, so she was trying to enjoy Christmas alone. First, she went to the shopping mall to buy a present for herself. She found a beautiful glass and dishes, so she bought them. And she bought two each for her and him ,so she missed him more than ever.

Trouble at Christmas
Santa woke up on Christmas Eve and got dressed for his big night delivering toys to children. When he went outside, he saw a terrible thing. All of his reindeer had been shot by hunters. Santa felt very sad and he worried about how could he deliver toys to children. He went to a forest to find some animals that could fly. He felt that there was something behind him. He turned around and saw an eagle standing there. He decided to deliver the Christmas present on the eagle. And he successfully delivered toys to all the children. He delivered so many toys and finally arrived at the last home. He tried to get inside the home, but it was the home of the hunter who killed the reindeer. Santa could not forgive the hunter, so he didn't give any presents to the hunter's child.

Flight Accident in Hokkaido
There was terrible news on Christmas Eve. The newscaster said that Santa’s sleigh had been flying over Hokkaido when suddenly it disappeared from the radar. People everywhere were worried that Santa and his reindeer had crashed in Hokkaido. Everybody tried to find him, but he couldn't be found. But after 1 hour, radar finally located him. Santa was injured. Miraculously, he was alive, but his reindeer all died. Santa was disappointed. He was annoyed because he needed to look for the best way to deliver his presents. Finally, he gave up delivering presents to children. The children felt sad, but after a few weeks, Santa got better and delivered presents to the children who weren't able to get any. Finally, all children got presents and became so happy.


If you didn't do the course survey yet, please do it. Thank you.

授業改善アンケート on Manaba. [Manaba ➔ My Page ➔ 授業改善アンケート ➔ 特別演習 II]

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Week 13 - Blog Post #5 Due

Blog Post #5 (final post!) is due today. You will present it on Dec. 20. There will be one more class after that in January.

By the way, did everyone post an audio file on their blog? Did you post a comic? And did you fix all blog errors in past blog posts?

When you have a free moment today, please do the course survey (授業改善アンケート) on Manaba. [Manaba ➔ My Page ➔ 授業改善アンケート ➔ 特別演習 II]

Christmas Story
Watch the John Lewis Christmas advertisement below. It's a nice Christmas story without any words. It's called "The Journey."


We will do a Christmas writing activity. Kevin will tell you what to do in class.

Christmas Story Writing Activity 

First, log in to Google so you can make comments on Kevin's site.

Kevin will give you a "Christmas story starter," which is the beginning of your story. When it's your turn, copy the sentences from the story and paste them in the comment box. Try to continue the story. Add one or two sentences of your own. Add your name at the bottom and post the comment.

The next person will copy all of the sentences from the story and continue as above. The story will get longer and longer. It should end when the last person on the list writes their sentences.

In principle, you should ...
1) Try to continue the story using the information already written. Don't make strange changes that make the story difficult to understand.
2) Stories are usually told in the past tense. There are exceptions, but basically, try to use the past tense, unless you have a reason not to.
3) If you notice a misspelled word or a minor grammar mistake in the sentences before yours, you can fix it. 
4) You shouldn't make sudden changes to the plot. Just add some description or minor details that make the story more interesting. Write something that will help the next person make an interesting story!
5) Make decisions quickly, write quickly, and pass the story to the next person as quickly as possible.
6) After you post, tell the next person on the list that you've posted. 
7) People near the end of the line must try to make an ending to the story. Kevin will tell you when to do this.

Merry Christmas!
* Writing order - seating order: 

Minami ➢ Ryosuke ➢ Yuka ➢ Shizuka ➢  Funo ➢ Chihiro ➢ Kaito ➢ Hiryu ➢ Aoi ➢ Minami, etc.  (Saki will be absent.)

Saturday, December 10, 2022

1. Santa's Lonely Wife

1. Santa's wife was angry. Every year, her husband took presents to all the people of the world, and every year she had to stay home alone.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]

2. Reverse Christmas

2. An important message appeared in the newspapers all over the world. This year would be "Reverse Christmas." Instead of getting presents from Santa, everyone must give a present to Santa. And you had to carry it yourself to Santa's home at the North Pole.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]

3. Christmas Vampire

3. A strange thing happened this year. Santa was bitten by a vampire and became a vampire himself. He killed all of his reindeer and used bats to pull his sleigh.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]

4. Trouble at Christmas

4. Santa woke up on Christmas Eve and got dressed for his big night delivering toys to children. When he went outside, he saw a terrible thing. All of his reindeer had been shot by hunters.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]

5. The Incredible Christmas

5. It had been a terrible year. Tom had lost his job in October. He had no money for presents. Now it was December, and his three little children were hoping for a nice Christmas.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]

6. No Christmas this year?

6. The children of Japan were waiting for Santa to bring their presents, but at 12:00 noon on Christmas day, he still hadn't arrived.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]

7. The Forgotten Present

7. It was Christmas Eve, and Kevin remembered he hadn't bought a Christmas present for his wife yet.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]

8. Scary Christmas Doll

8. Melissa was 7 years old. She told Santa she wanted a doll for Christmas, But this doll had to be a special doll, the kind she saw in a horror movie that comes alive at night and kills people.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]

9. Flight Accident in Hokkaido

9. There was terrible news on Christmas Eve. The newscaster said that Santa’s sleigh had been flying over Hokkaido when suddenly it disappeared from the radar. People everywhere were worried that Santa and his reindeer had crashed in Hokkaido.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Graduation Seminar 2023

It's time to choose your Graduation Seminar for 2023. Communication major students should choose from A, B or C below. If you want to take another teacher's seminar, you should talk to that teacher directly. Suzuki-sensei always has many students, so he will probably not accept any Communication students (but you can still ask him). It will be difficult to change. - Kevin

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Week 12 - Adding a comic to a blog post

Don't forget to choose your graduation seminar.

Did you practice for your audio clip with Kevin? If not, do that. If yes, you can post your audio on the page where the related text is.

Next ...
Want to do some grammar practice? No? I didn't think so. Let's make a comic instead.

Make Beliefs Comix
Here's a comic I made with Make Beliefs Comix, an online comic building site. The scene is from 'Annie Hall,' Woody Allen's most famous movie. Here's the original scene from the movie.

Here's another comic from the same movie, but after the character, Alvy, has become an adult. And here's the original movie clip (scene starts at 1:40).

The comic below is from a Quentin Tarantino movie. Do you know it? The comic creator is called Strip Creator.

Here's the actual scene from "Pulp Fiction," (from 1:00 minute mark) for the dialog above. (The comic was edited slightly to remove profanity.)

Some ideas:

  • Movie or TV scene - like above
  • Manga scene - like above
  • Sports - a dialog from the news, such as a reporter and player; or an incident that happened on the field; a conversation between two players; something 
  • Restaurants, cafes or bars - a dialog between a customer and staff, a dialog between two customers or two staff members
  • Cooking - a guy telling someone how to cook something 
  • Or have some characters talking about the content of your blog post

Save the comic (or take a screen shot) and paste it into your blog post. Send me a link so I know where to find it! 

You can delete the comic if you like after the course grades have been given. (But you don't have to delete it.)

Blog Post #5 is due next week - Dec. 13.