Thursday, December 15, 2022

Week 14 - Blog Post #5 Presentations

On Dec. 20, you will present Blog Post #5. Have you made all corrections?

This is your blog, so you can present without reading. Practice in advance, know how to pronounce all words, and speak with feeling. This is your final presentation, so make it your best!

Today ...

1. Present Blog Post #5
2. Make any needed changes to your blogs.

There will be one more class; Jan. 10 (final class)

BTW, did you do the course survey? And did you choose your Graduation Seminar for next year? They are both on Manaba.

Did everyone post an audio clip on a blog post? And a comic?

Santa's Lonely Wife
Santa's wife was angry. Every year, her husband took presents to all the people of the world, and every year she had to stay home alone. As always, she had to stay at home alone this year too, so she was trying to enjoy Christmas alone. First, she went to the shopping mall to buy a present for herself. She found a beautiful glass and dishes, so she bought them. And she bought two each for her and him ,so she missed him more than ever.

Trouble at Christmas
Santa woke up on Christmas Eve and got dressed for his big night delivering toys to children. When he went outside, he saw a terrible thing. All of his reindeer had been shot by hunters. Santa felt very sad and he worried about how could he deliver toys to children. He went to a forest to find some animals that could fly. He felt that there was something behind him. He turned around and saw an eagle standing there. He decided to deliver the Christmas present on the eagle. And he successfully delivered toys to all the children. He delivered so many toys and finally arrived at the last home. He tried to get inside the home, but it was the home of the hunter who killed the reindeer. Santa could not forgive the hunter, so he didn't give any presents to the hunter's child.

Flight Accident in Hokkaido
There was terrible news on Christmas Eve. The newscaster said that Santa’s sleigh had been flying over Hokkaido when suddenly it disappeared from the radar. People everywhere were worried that Santa and his reindeer had crashed in Hokkaido. Everybody tried to find him, but he couldn't be found. But after 1 hour, radar finally located him. Santa was injured. Miraculously, he was alive, but his reindeer all died. Santa was disappointed. He was annoyed because he needed to look for the best way to deliver his presents. Finally, he gave up delivering presents to children. The children felt sad, but after a few weeks, Santa got better and delivered presents to the children who weren't able to get any. Finally, all children got presents and became so happy.

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