Saturday, December 10, 2022

1. Santa's Lonely Wife

1. Santa's wife was angry. Every year, her husband took presents to all the people of the world, and every year she had to stay home alone.

[Copy and paste the sentence above into the comment box below and add a sentence or two. The next students will copy all of the sentences and add to them until we have a complete Christmas story! Gambatte!]


  1. 1. Santa's wife was angry. Every year, her husband took presents to all the people of the world, and every year she had to stay home alone.
    As always, she had to stay at home alone this year too.

  2. Santa's wife was angry. Every year, her husband took presents to all the people of the world, and every year she had to stay home alone.
    As always, she had to stay at home alone this year too.
    So she was trying to enjoy Christmas alone.

  3. Santa's wife was angry. Every year, her husband took presents to all the people of the world, and every year she had to stay home alone.
    As always, she had to stay at home alone this year too.
    So she was trying to enjoy Christmas alone. First, she went to the shopping mall to buy a present for herself.

  4. Santa's wife was angry. Every year, her husband took presents to all the people of the world, and every year she had to stay home alone.
    As always, she had to stay at home alone this year too.
    So she was trying to enjoy Christmas alone. First, she went to the shopping mall to buy a present for herself.
    She found a beautiful glass and dishes, so she bought them.

  5. Santa's wife was angry. Every year, her husband took presents to all the people of the world, and every year she had to stay home alone.
    As always, she had to stay at home alone this year too.
    So she was trying to enjoy Christmas alone. First, she went to the shopping mall to buy a present for herself.
    She found a beautiful glass and dishes, so she bought them.
    And she bought them two each for her and him so she missed him more.
